Lending a hand for the new shower toilet
Installation of AquaClean Alba
The centrepiece of the new AquaClean Alba shower toilet is the technical unit. It is assembled by hand at Geberit's headquarters in Switzerland.
At the beginning, Jasminka Rodojković places an empty housing on a mobile stand. A good quarter of an hour later, she pulls the full housing out of a test cell. Eleven tick marks on a display: Everything is properly installed, this technology unit of the AquaClean Alba shower toilet is working.
Jasminka Rodojković installs many screws, hoses and cables between the beginning and the end. The first is a rubber seal to prevent rinsing water from entering the technical unit. Then comes the shower arm, heating element and control unit.

Hand in hand
Some things are drilled, others are plugged or clamped - all by hand. On this day, Jasminka Rodojković works hand in hand with Vladimira Magnino and Tufan Düman on the assembly line. They keep an eye on each other's work status, take over from each other, push ahead and help out.
“You have to have the work steps in the right order in your head,“ says Zelimir Blazević, Head of Projects at Geberit Apparate AG (GAAG) at Geberit's headquarters in Rapperswil-Jona. The symbiosis between employees and work steps is a matter of practice. In the case of the trio, it flows as smoothly as a babbling mountain stream.
Comprehensive final check
A test cell at the end ensures a complete final check of the fully assembled technical unit. “If there is a fault, the employees check whether it can be rectified in a few simple steps. In the worst case, the unit goes to quality control and is checked in detail.“ Errors are rare. A good 96 per cent of all assembled units get all the green ticks straight away and make the journey to the logistics centre.
Know-How Installed
The new Geberit AquaClean Alba shower toilet is a simple, stylish toilet with a shower function that ensures hygiene after using the toilet. AquaClean Alba is ideal for newcomers to shower toilets. It offers the most important functions of a shower toilet and is in the lower price range.