Sustainability - January 2012

Defining moments

Social project South Africa

Only around six toilets were available for the 850 children attending class at Fontein Primary School. In 2012, the eight-strong team of Geberit apprentices put an end to this untolerable situation.

Approximately 850 pupils between the ages of 6 and 16 attend Fontein Primary School. The goal of the Geberit team, which comprised apprentices from a variety of professions, was to renovate the major toilet facility, which was defective, and equip it with new toilets, urinals and washbasins.

Memorable encounters
In addition to classic installation work, there was also time to play with the pupils and undertake activities with them in the area of hygiene and environmental awareness. The basic sanitary facilities and access to water not only brought a sense of dignity to the schoolchildren in Port Elizabeth – the project also helped the Geberit apprentices to mature into company ambassadors during their training to become first-class employees.