Interns at Geberit
Gaining international experience
Their goal: To learn more about the processes and structures seen at a global company like Geberit. And also, of course, to start out on a long career at the company. Their contribution: Showing off their skills as part of real-life projects. Our promise: To allow them to develop, gain practical experience and become a full part of everyday life at our company. Our principle: To choose a few, promising interns, and to prepare them in the best possible way for a career at Geberit.

This approach has been a success – Alessandro Simeoni details the things he enjoyed in his various assignments at different Geberit plants.
Alessandro Simeoni, GPS Engineer Process Engineering in Villadose (IT)
Alessandro is convinced that the door is open for some very exciting assignments at Geberit if you are prepared to leave your comfort zone. “I first came in contact with Geberit during my studies at the Polytechnic University of Milan through my participation in the UNITECH programme. I was given the chance of contributing to product optimisations as part of an internship at Geberit’s Swedish ceramics plant in Bromölla. In autumn 2020, I started out in the Operations Development Program at the Italian plant in Villadose, where extruded pipes are manufactured. Here too, I am given the freedom I need to carry out my tasks on product optimisation and enjoy the trust of the management team. My next port of call is Geberit Pfullendorf in Germany, where I can put my experiences to good use and gain further practical skills – and I can also use this opportunity to learn German as well.
My impression is that Geberit plans for the long term and is a company that focuses on processes. The ODP program is a prime example of how Geberit invests in the long-term development of its employees. Anyone who wants to find out how a raw material is transformed into the finished product and has a passion for the diverse processes seen in supply chain management has the possibility of making their mark from day one at Geberit. This is not something you see every day.”